Sunday, January 29, 2012

Getting Poorer "or" Less Wealthy

Internet, television, radio, and people have been plagued with conversations, news articles, video clips, and interviews covering the topic.  People all over the world are talking about it.  Television and Radio stations visit the conversation more often than not.  The poor, or low income class, is expanding.   

One may ask: “How does the poor get ‘more-poor’?” So how do we cope with the new environment in which we live? What do we do to help others cope? I started by taking one day at a time and reflecting back on what a Professor said in one of my first classes in college; "Be where you are, when you are there, do what you are doing, when you are doing it." To sum that up, I believe she was saying, "Live in the moment."  

This too is a time to grow and learn new skills, to continue on our path of personal and professional development. This is the time to be resourceful and fall back on those characteristics that sometimes lie dormant, such as; being an encourager, lending a hand, and the list goes . . .  Not only does this help others to cope but it also is a mechanism for self to cope as well.

Just my thoughts on the new experiences many of us have been facing.  SHARE your thoughts so we can all learn and grow from your experiences too!  

Until the next time; let your VOICE be heard. 
Tata for now . . .

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 1:

This blog is intended to be unique; apart from the typical.  This is a place where each person can be a voice - unique and distinct from anyone else.  To be individuals who are worthy and valued for their exclusive self.

As Richard Pelletier, B2B copywriter of article “MarketingProfs” stated so truthfully:

          “The turn of phrase or idiosyncrasy that might signal an individual voice – 
            emanating from family or personal history, cultural tastes, a playful sense 
            of humor, simple, honesty has been deleted, scrubbed clean.” 

            As a result, “a growing, long-term relationship with hordes of potential 
           people entranced by your unique and engaging way of speaking with 
           them slips from view.”  You have to show them who you are – not merely 
           let them figure it out on their own.” 

This, to me, goes without saying.  Dove started the wave of being and loving the person you are, in the skin you are in and it appears to me that Pelletier supports this movement and encourages being an individual voice.

I, like Dove and Pelletier, am here to be who I am and love me in spite of, or because of, the differences that lies within.  I am not from a cookie cutter mold.  I am an individual with ideas, expressions, visions, gifts, hopes, fears, joy, love, failures, successes, and so many more things that the world could value, embrace and most of all, grow due to.

Let us honor individuality in this blog.  I am and have made the commitment to the readers and myself to express myself with my voice.  I will totally be me in a respectful manner to others. 

Instead of saying what everyone else is saying and saying it as if it must be “politically correct” to be trusted and enjoyed, commit to be an individual voice.  I will and hope each of you who participate choose to do the same.

Until the next time; let your VOICE be heard. 

Tata for now . . .